The MIM Beanie Guide: How to Choose the Perfect Beanie for Your Style

The MIM Beanie Guide: How to Choose the Perfect Beanie for Your Style

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Beanies are more than just cozy accessories for chilly days; they're style statements that can elevate your entire look (I'm totally that girl who feels like she's forgetting something leaving the house without a beanie). Whether you're a fan of the classic and casual vibe, love a big pom, or prefer something in between, there's a perfect beanie here for you. In this guide, I'll walk you through selecting the right beanie that complements your personal style.

1. Identify your Style

Before you start shopping for the perfect beanie, start with having a good understanding of your personal style. Are you drawn to a casual, laid-back look? Do you like to really stand out with unique statement pieces? Identifying your style is the first step in finding a beanie that vibes with your overall aesthetic.

2. Seasonal Versatility: Consider the weight

I think the biggest difference between the MIM beanies is their weight. Here's a link to all of our beanies.

Medium Weight Styles (Daily wearers)


- The Minny Beanie (no pom)

- Daily Ribbed Beanie (no pom)

- Monochrome Waffle Beanie (pom)

Heavier Weight Styles (Chunky) 

- Dreamer Beanie (pom)

- Minny Foldover Beanie (pom)

- Waffle Fold Beanie

- Chunky Textured Fold Beanie

I like to wear my medium weight beanies longer through the seasons, so I call those my daily wearers. You can wear them earlier in the fall or later in the spring. They still provide plenty of warmth, but they don't have quite the thickness as my chunky styles.

3.  Play with Color, or keep it neutral

Color. You know what you'll wear most, so start there and keep in mind that there's always a season to try something new. You could try something different from your norm like a brighter color you don't currently have in your wardrobe. I personally love wearing a bright beanie with more muted outfits. Whatever your preference, we've got it all from classic neutrals to vibrant.

What you'll see in the shop: Typically in the fall I'll add more warm tones like burnt orange, red, camel & hunter green. Then in the winter, I like to bring in some brighter reds, white, forest green, lavender and blue. Leading into the february/march season I usually add in some pinks, greens and brighter neutrals for those final months 'til it officially warms up here in Minnesota. 

4. Customs

We happily offer a select number of custom listings, so check the shop for those! If you don't see your favorite color, or want a non-pom option etc. you could definitely order a custom beanie to perfectly it your desired style.


Selecting the perfect beanie for your style is so fun, and if you still need help, don't hesitate to reach out to me directly. By identifying your style, considering weight, color, and more, you'll find the ideal beanie that complements your unique vibe!

Ready to find your perfect Made in Minny beanie? Below are some links to help you explore the shop!

Additional Resources:

Happy fall & beanie season!!!! I'm so pumped to decorate my house, nature walks, baking pumpkin muffins, and of course all of the fashion that comes with fall.

Tell me what you're most excited about for fall below! :)

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